Sunday, February 27, 2011
A Quick Update
I just made a few calculations and realized how easily the funds could be raised.
I can receive monthly support from now until December 2012. That's 22 months available for support... If I had 40 people supporting me at $25 dollars a month, starting in March 2011 until December 2012, my entire monthly and start-up budget would be raised!.. That is incredibly doable.
Let's think about $25 dollars... That's about 2 large pizzas, or a weeks worth of Starbucks, or dinner and a movie (a cheap dinner at that!).... A total budget of $21,300 sounds like so much, but when you get down to it, it's really not that much if only 40 people could spare $25 a month!
If you are interested in supporting me this is how you can do it!
To Who: Checks written to "AGWM" with "Paul Cook 458631-9" in the memo line.
Where: Sent to me at: 2400 Greenbriar Dr. Apt. D, Manhattan, KS 66502
All donations are tax-deductable.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Rarely. . .
That's the key word... There are times though when God is very quick and evident in His answers.
I started taking a class this semester called "Perspectives On The World Christian Movement" It's an awesome class and I've learned so much already! This past week they started the class by asking us to write down some of the things that had challenged us during the previous sessions. There had been a multitude of topics that had challenged me, but for some reason the only thing that came to mind was a lingering question, "How do I keep this passion for God and missions? How can I escape the apathy that so easily gets to me?" The topic for the night was the historical perspective on missions and revivals. It was really interesting, and the speaker ended his presentation with this statement, "Maybe you're thinking to yourself 'How can I keep this passion about missions?' All you need to do is pray into it. Pray that God will keep that passion in you."... It was like the speaker was talking directly to me! It's a simple concept- prayer, but it's something I so easily look over or forget. I was amazed at how quickly and directly God answered that question.
Later in the week I decided to go to the park and take some time to pray, journal, and read. Even though the weather was amazing and God has been blessing me so much, I felt down for some reason. I'm still realizing how God has changed me since South Africa, and a lot of times I find it hard to connect with people. I feel like I just don't quite fit in, or that I don't belong somehow. I wrote all this down in my journal.... Later that evening I went to Chi Alpha and God would give me a direct answer again. One of the songs we sang had these lyrics, "I've finally found where I belong, I've finally found where I belong--in Your presence. I've finally found where I belong, just to be with You, just to be with You" Again, it was as if that song was just for me!... The next day I found out that when the worship team was preparing what songs to sing for Chi Alpha, that song literally fell out of the book when one of them picked it up. Also, another member of the team had a strong feeling that they needed to sing that song this week!
Like I said at first, God rarely speaks so directly to us. . . . Or does He?
I've been wondering: is it that God rarely speaks to us to directly, or is it that we rarely listen?
Had I not taken the time to write down what had challenged me in Perspectives class, the statement at the end of the presentation probably wouldn't have caught my attention so much. And if I hadn't taken the time to sit and reflect that afternoon before Chi Alpha, that song about belonging would have just been another nice song we sing.
I'd venture to say that God is speaking to us so much more than we realize... We simply need to take the time to listen.
I have this excitement in my heart, I can see God working all around me! It's so amazing! I see my friends growing spiritually, I see Chi Alpha in a much better place than it has been the past few years, and I can see God getting me and the Elliotts ready to go to Wales!
I also see a lot of pain, a lot of lost people, a lot of hurting families, a lot of children not being loved ... I see a lot of blessed Christians as well, but they aren't sharing that blessing with those around them.
This is what I want to leave you with:
1. Take the time to listen to what God is saying to you. He is speaking to you. Sometimes it is more obvious than others, but He always has something to tell you!
2. Share your blessing. God doesn't bless us so we can hoard it, He blesses us so we can bless others and give Him the glory for it.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Planting Wales... February
3 out of 100 . . . That is the average number of professing Christians throughout Europe. . .
As many of you know God has been putting missions on my heart for the past few years, and last May, while I was in South Africa, God laid it on my heart to go to Europe, specifically Wales. I was at a conference when I heard the statistic that only 3 to 4% of Europeans are professing Christians. It was then that God spoke to me about going to Wales with some missionaries I met in college.
Bryan and Misty Elliott were the directors of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at K-State. They retired from Chi Alpha in December 2009, the same time I graduated, because God had place the U.K. on their hearts. The Elliotts will be working with the Assemblies of God church in Wales to support existing churches and plant new churches in Southern Wales, near Cardiff, the capitol.
The main focus of the churches will be to reach University students. The Average age of church attendees in Wales is 65. The church has lost contact with the younger generation. According to a local Pastor in Wales, “The church in South Wales, the Assemblies of God, or any other denomination, is really dying. . .”
Although very few of you may think of Europe or the U.K. as a place in dire need of missions and the love of God, the facts are obvious!.. 3%... Only 3%... This may seem an overwhelming task, and it is. There’s nothing I can do to help these people, but I don’t have to. God has already won the victory. He’s already captured Europe’s heart. All I have to do is join in on His efforts and share the good news and love of Christ…All are in need of the love, joy, and freedom Christ brings. That is why it’s my joy and honor to be a part of bringing that Good News to the people of Wales!
The Elliotts will be moving to Wales this summer, I will be joining them in January 2012 for a year. I will be going through the Assemblies of God church, working as their assistant and outreach coordinator. Essentially, I’m there to serve them in any way possible.
To follow God into the next chapter of my journey I am in need of your support, through prayer and finances. Please pray for the Elliott’s, the Church in Wales, open hearts to the Gospel, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives as we minister… In order for me to serve full time I will need a budget of $1,600 a month and a start-up cash budget of $3,700. I ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting me monthly.
I know $1,600 a month is a lot of money; however, I want you to consider the word Eternal. “without beginning or end; lasting forever; always existing”. So, what is eternal? Two things: God and people. Nothing in this life: cars, houses, clothes, or jobs will last, Only God and people. We know that a person can spend eternity in Heaven or Hell and because we have the answer to eternal life in Heaven, shouldn’t we be doing everything possible to share that with everyone, in every nation?... I challenge you to invest in what is eternal, God and people.
If you would like to support me with monthly or a one-time donation this is how you can do it:
Who: checks written to: “AGWM” With “Paul Cook 458631-9” in the memo line.
Where: sent to me at: 2400 Greenbriar Dr. Apt. D, Manhattan, KS 66502
All donations are tax-deductable.
If you are planning on supporting me monthly, please indicate that along with your first donation and specify for how many months you plan on supporting me, so I can plan my finances accordingly. I can receive monthly support from now until the end of 2012.
If you are interested in learning more about the Elliotts and their journey you can visit their blog at:
Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Without it, it wouldn’t be possible for me to go!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Final Approval
I got my final approval to go to Wales yesterday! After waiting almost 5 months for my application to be processed, I was starting to wonder when it was ever going to get done!... God's timing is perfect though.
I'll be going in January 2012 serving with Bryan and Misty Elliott through the Assemblies of God Church... When I first applied to go, back in September, I was hearing numbers like $4,000 or $3,000 for monthly support. I was very pleased to find out that my budget is only going to be $1,600 a month and a start-up cash budget of $3,700! Thank you Jesus!... Right now I'm working on finishing up my support letters and spreading the word through Facebook, although it's being temperamental at the moment and won't let me invite any of friends to the page I created! Gotta love technology. . .
I'm going to be using the blog for a monthly support letter system as well... As soon as I get all my information about fund-raising and whatnot I'll be posting the first support letter... I'm hoping people will use the blog/facebook/e-mail to communicate with because it saves a lot of money and is a lot more convenient!
I'm really excited to finally get started with the fund-raising and preparing to go. Even though it's basically a year away, I know it will go by fast!