As a quick reminder, I will be traveling to Wales in January 2012 to work with Bryan and Misty Elliott, through Assembly of God World Missions, to plant churches in the capital city, Cardiff. The Elliotts are quite close to leaving for Wales, and are very excited. God has been faithful in providing their support!
As for me, God has also been faithful in beginning my support! I will need a budget of $1,600 a month and a start-up cash budget of $3,700. That’s a total of $21,300 for the whole year. I now have monthly pledges adding up to $2,760! I’m over 12% of the way there.
I can receive monthly support from now until the end of 2012. If 37 people started supporting me in April of this year at $25 a month, and continued until December of 2012 that would completely cover all of the costs!..I ask that you would prayerfully consider joining me in the God given mandate to spread the gospel to all nations.
If you would like to support me with a tax deductable, monthly or a one-time donation there are two ways you can do it: online or my mail… Please follow all of these easy steps:
- E-mail me at: paulcook88@gmail.com to let me know whether this will be a one-time donation or monthly commitment. If it is a monthly commitment please indicate how long you plan on sending in support.
- Click Here! Or click on the “Partner With Paul” link at the top of the page to donate.
- You can make a one-time donation from the site, or fill out a form to have donations automatically sent from your bank account if you would like to do a monthly commitment.
By Mail:
- Send in your commitment form to me at: 2400 Greenbriar Dr. Apt. D, Manhattan, KS 66502. Please indicate whether this is a one-time donation or monthly commitment. If it is monthly commitment please indicate how long you plan on sending in support.
- Write a check to: “AGWM” With “Paul Cook 458631-9” in the memo line.
- Send your check to the Assembly of God World Missions headquarters at:
1445 N. Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
If you have any questions about making a donation please e-mail me and let me know!
Thank you for your partnership in sharing the gospel to the people of Wales. Please remember to pray for our ministry in Wales.
Prayer Needs:
- The Elliotts. Their last step is selling their house.
- The Church in Wales.
- Open hearts to the Gospel.
- The anointing of the Holy Spirit on our lives as we minister.