
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Planting Wales Update!

Four months and counting!.. I can’t believe that in just a few short months I’ll be in Wales!

Not too much has happened since I last posted an update... My budget is progressing well though! I’m now at 63%

My goal is to have my budget raised by the end of November. That’s about 10 weeks from now… In order to be at my full budget I need 20 people at $25 a month from now until the end of next year. Very doable!

God has been teaching me to trust in Him the past few weeks… The reality of going to Wales and how quickly it is approaching has set in. At times I wonder if I’ll get the support I need, or if I’m really the right person to do this… But God continues to provide in His timing and always confirms the call to a life of missions in my heart!

I made a short video to express the need for Christ in Cardiff… The simple truth comes down to this: People in Wales need Jesus and I need your help through prayers and finances to be there…. That’s why I send out newsletters and post blogs. I need your help. I can’t do this without you… Please be a part of what God is doing in Wales.

Thank you and God bless!