I find it quite hard to believe that 2013 is almost half over. It seems like it was January just a few days ago and now we are well on our way into May!
Being at a halfway(ish) point through the year I've been taking a look back at 2013. I've realized that this year has brought a lot of new things in my life.
The biggest change of course would be living in a new city and having a new job. I've been in Wichita for 3 months now, and at Furniture Medic as a Shop Technician for 2 months. This is the first time I've had a "real", semi-permanent, full time job post-college. In some ways the whole 8-5 thing is pretty nice, but I will admit it's been an adjustment. I've been very blessed with this job because it's something I actually enjoy doing, refinishing furniture, it's about 10 minutes from my apartment, and it's a small, Christian based company. I've definitely had my fair share of mess-ups at work these past few months, but my bosses are extremely patient and are always asking if I'm doing Ok. This isn't something I will do for the rest of my life, but for this season it seems to be just the right fit.
Along with living in a new city has come a lot of new friends. Even though I've just been here a few months, in some ways it seems a lot longer because I already feel very much at home hanging out with my new circle of friends... I've been put in charge of planning events for our young adults group at church, I guess I'm an event planner at heart because I always end up doing that wherever I go. I think it comes from my passion for community and the desire to do life alongside other people.
Something else new this year is a my car. I debated back and forth for
several months on whether or not to get a different vehicle and finally
came to the conclusion that I wasn't going to get a different vehicle
until things started to go wrong with my truck. A few weeks later all
the gauges on my truck decided to stop working on my way home from work; I took it
as a sign it was time. I found the vehicle I wanted that night on
Craigslist, saw it the next day (which happened to be my 25th birthday)
and put down payment on it the day after. I was able to get a great deal
on the car because it had some hail damage on it, who cares about a few
dents anyways?... With what I had saved and selling my truck for only
$900 less than I paid for it 8 yrs ago when it had 40,000 less miles on
it, I've been able to pay off most of my car loan and should have it
completely paid off by next May.
I think what this all comes down to is I've been feeling very blessed this year! God's given me so much, including a brand new laptop and new-to-me iPhone that were both unexpected gifts!... To be honest, I feel quite spoiled and I really don't deserve any of this. I've sat and wondered why God would give so much to me.... I don't know why or how He loves me so much, but I've definitely seen that love these past few months!
I'm not writing about all these "things" to brag about it. In some ways I almost dis-like having these "things", but I just want to say thank you to the One who's given me all of this, and so much more!
I do know that God blesses us for a reason, and that's to share the blessing. I hope I can do my part to share what God's given me, and give Him the glory for it all.
Thank You, Jesus... You've given me so much and I wish there was something else I could say, but my words fall short. You know my heart, and that's enough. Thank You.