
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Letter

Can you imagine receiving a letter saying that your college loans or mortgage was forgiven! Your debt has been paid for... I personally think that would be wonderful! However, if you never got the letter saying that your debt was forgiven, then you would never know, and you'd continue to be in bondage to that debt. Always working to pay it off... That letter, getting the message is vitally important.

This actually happened to my parents about 10 years ago. We had built a new house outside of town, but kept our old house in town and rented it. My parents still owed a few thousand dollars on the house. One day they got a letter from the bank saying that their loan was forgiven! How incredible... The funny thing is that it actually happened a few years before, and all the payments that had been sent in for the past few years they got back as well!... But, if they had never received the letter letting them know their debt was forgiven, they would have continued paying on it for years.

As I was in church today worshiping the lyrics to a song struck my heart. It basically said that my debt of sin was paid for. How awesome is that! Jesus paid it all, and thankfully I've been privy to this news since I can remember. I got the letter saying that my debt was forgiven... Then it hit me. There are millions of people who have their debt forgiven, but they haven't got the letter yet. Why not?... Because we as Christians, who are the messengers, haven't handed them that letter containing life changing news. The Letter, of course, is God's Word.

If you know me at all, you know that God has laid a burden on my heart for missions. At times it breaks my heart and brings me to tears, but at other times I can be so apathetic. Apathy is one of my biggest struggles in life. It's so easy to become complacent, just going through the motions... Recently I've been asking God to awaken my heart, give me back that passion!... Today, He answered that prayer. I felt the Holy Spirit move in a great way, and I thank God for the vision He gave me about The Letter... I've felt that conviction before about the urgency to share the Good News, but God showed it to me in a new way today. It's so cool how He chooses to reveal Himself to us in new and exciting ways. He follows no pattern, which I personally like :)

May we, as Christians, feel that urgency to get The Letter out to those who haven't received it yet! We don't have to write the letter, we don't have to forgive the debt, it's already been done. All we have to do is deliver it!... May we have the willingness to die to ourselves and let God take control of our life. I try to do this (I'm not saying I'm always the best at it because I'm not!), and the path God has taken me on is awesome! A year in South Africa, and soon a year (or more) in Wales! I never could have imagined that would happen to me.

God has given us the mighty honor of delivering His letter of forgiveness to those that don't know. Let us take this seriously, and live a life of abandoment and passion for Christ! It's the only way to live, the only way to be serious follower of Christ.

You have The Letter.

What will you do with it?

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