God is so incredible! I can't help but want to shout it out from the mountain tops!!! He is love, He is our ever-present strength! He is LIFE! He's everything... My heart is filled with JOY :)
God's been showing up in my life is awesome ways lately. I think since I came to the realization that God loves me regardless, literally regardless of what I do, that I've just come to see and FEEL that love in a whole new way. I can't help but smile and I want to scream it out. God loves us!
So often I'm really not that joyful, but I've been straight up asking God to continue to bring me that joy in my life, and He's been bringing it!... It's funny that after I realized that God doesn't care how much of the bible I read in a day that I've actually been reading more. I started reading it online daily here. I've always read the New International Version, but reading it in the New Living Translation has been great. I enjoy the wording; it's easier for me to follow and it reads more like a story. Also, I've been reading in the morning, which has been very beneficial. I've wanted to do that for a long time now but just never ending up doing it. Starting out my day with Jesus is the only way to go!
I'm seeing God using this year in Kansas to prepare me for what's next. This last Sunday my pastor preached about desert places and how God can speak to us in those times in a whole new way. Being in the desert gets rid of distractions, makes us rely on Him, confirms our calling, it's a place of revelation, and a place of discipline. God really spoke to me through that message. It's something I was aware of, but He just confirmed it and made me realize again why I'm where I'm at.
I think I'm also starting to realize my spiritual gifts... I've felt for a while that one of my gifts may be encouragement. When someone is in need or crisis, spending time talking with them and trying to share God's love and peace with them brings my heart joy. I just love it... The latest book I read for my bible classes was about Acts. It talked some about Paul and Barnabas. Barnabas' name means "Son of encouragement" He wasn't some amazing preacher or evangelist, but he was always there to help and encourage Paul. He was aware of his gifts and limitations. When he wasn't able to do a certain aspect of ministry, he called on Paul... Even though my name is Paul, I'm finding that I'm really more of a Barnabas. I don't consider myself to be some amazing teacher, or a super out-going evangelist, but I love people and I love to encourage. That's a big reason I write these posts. I want to encourage others and share what God has been showing me. This is just one outlet for sharing that... I'm hoping to cultivate this gift more, and intentionally try to encourage those around me as much as I can.
I pray that when you read this God would bring you joy and encouragement. My God fill your life with an abundance of Himself.
Psalm 62:5-8 "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge."
Really good stuff, Paul! Thanks for sharing!