Do you ever long for an adventure, something new and excited, something uncharted and exotic? I know I do!
I've been blessed with many adventures in the 24 years of life I've lived so far. I've eaten mangoes off the jungle floor in Panama, lived on a game farm in South Africa-had a baby lion bite my leg once, explored castles in the UK and even saw the Queen. I love traveling, as I'm sure most of you all know by now, and it's so easy to long for the next exciting adventure, to long for something different. Something more.
The sights, sounds, and smells I've experienced have been an incredible journey so far, but in all of this there really is something more. A different kind of adventure, a different journey, more.
Something more.
This "more" that I'm talking about is something never ending and always new. Exciting, and filled with love. It's something that heals, and also calls you out to something immeasurable. At the same time, we can live our whole lives with this "something more" right in front of us and never see or experience it. It's invisible, but evident in everything.
Simply put. This something more is Jesus.
There is always more to Him! There is, but it's so easy to not see it. The only reason I'm starting to see it now is because He's brought me into a situation where I've basically been forced to become aware of it, which I am thankful for.
I'm so guilty of wanting an earthly adventure. To go someplace new and exciting, when all the time I've got an even greater adventure waiting for me... As I've been spending more time with Jesus this realization of "more" has become real to me. Jesus is a raging river, but we may only experience a slow dripping of who He is if we don't seek and abide in Him... He gave me this visual the other day. Simply knowing who Jesus is or having a casual relationship with Him is like the dripping of this faucet below. A slow, gentle dripping. Just about the only thing this does is become annoying.
But Jesus. Jesus unleashed and understood for all He is is as dangerous as a raging river!... Travel with me, if you will, to Victoria Falls Zimbabwe...
We arrived in Victoria Falls late at night, when we crawled out of the car after a 16 hr drive we were greeted with the sound of rushing water, even though the falls were a few miles away. The next morning we could see mist rising in the air from where the water in the Zambezi River was crashing down the falls. As we approached the falls the noise increased and mist began to settle on our faces. The closer and closer we got the louder and wetter it became. Finally we were getting close, the climate turned more tropical and wet, the roar of the river was filling the air... At last, there it was! Gushing forth in all it's power and glory amidst exotic trees and plants. You could only stand in awe of it's power.
As you traveled along it's path you soon became soaked, and I mean soaked. There was no escaping it. Simply being in the presence of the river you became wet, not a dry spot left on you.
This is how I see it with Jesus. The closer you get to Him, the more you explore His path, the more wet you will become with His presence, with His goodness, with His love, and with His courage.
There is so much more to Jesus than a slow dripping of a faucet, He is a mighty river, waiting to be explored!
I feel like I'm just barely getting past the dripping faucet myself. I know that there is more though. I know that the closer I get and the more I explore the greater it will become.... I know there will be ups and downs along the way, and there will be times when I feel like the river has run dry, but it's there. It's waiting to be explored.
This greater journey, greater adventure, something more is waiting for us. Will you go with me?
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