
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

You Said

Has God ever used a song or something else over and over again in your life to show you something? I love it when He does that. It gives you confirmation that He is there and really does know you! He knows that thing that will speak to your heart.

There's a song by Shane and Shane called You Said that God has used to speak to me several times.

The first time I heard this song was a few week after I had gone to The World Missions Summit over Christmas break 2008. It was at TWMS that I decided to give a year to missions. I believe it was the first Sunday after the conference and I was at my home church in Fort Scott. During worship they played this song and part of the chorus goes like this, "Ask and I'll give the nations to you, oh Lord that's the cry of my heart. Distant shores and the islands will see Your light as it rises on us." When I heard that it hit me! That really had become the cry of my heart and God was confirming that. After the song my pastor asked that anyone who had that burden on their heart would stand up because he wanted to pray for them. Now I'm generally shy about standing up in church or going up for prayer, but I knew that I needed to this time. It was a final commitment to giving that year.

A year later I was back at my home church, and this was my last day at home before I left for South Africa. I was nervous and anxious about going. During worship they sang You Said again. It was such a comfort and reassurance of what God had been telling me to do.

After I had been in South Africa for a few months we went to a bigger city, Polokwane, to get out of the bush and go to church. I believe it was in march. The service was nice, a bit more like home which was a comfort after being gone for a while. There was an elderly lady there named Carol who was from the States and had worked with this church for decades. That Sunday they had her go up and share what she had been doing all these years. It turns out she was from Kansas! I couldn't believe it. On the other side of the planet and I find someone else from my home state. She had made a slide show, but when they started it there was no music. So she made them stop it and get it fixed so it would play with the music... Guess what song it was? You Said! I was blown away by God giving me that song again! It was awesome. I knew He had worked all that out just for me.

Just a few weeks ago I was back in Fort Scott for Thanksgiving. Like I said in my previous post, I've had a lot of spiritual attack with regards to going to Wales. I needed encouragement, I needed a touch from Jesus. I got it. During the offering time the worship leader did a solo, You Said. Every time I hear that song it brings warmth to my heart. I know Jesus is right there with me. Not only that, but it brings back the passion I so quickly loose about reaching the lost. So many don't get to see the Light rising on us. We need to go the those distant shores and islands so those in darkness can see the Light!... The sermon that Sunday was over Psalms 91 and it encouraged me so much. It gave me a peace.

Ask and I'll give the nations to you, Oh Lord that's the cry of my heart.
Distant shores and the islands will see Your light as it rises on us.

God is always speaking to us, to you. In a specific way. He has those special little things He uses just for you, no one else. Take the time to listen to what He's saying...Behind everything He says there will be this, "I love you, I want you! You bring me joy and I am desperate for you! Please come to me."

You Said.

That's just one of the ways God has spoken to me and I wanted to share it with you.

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